automatic music for choir, material objects,
electronics and live score projection
music and programming by Richard Hoadley
text by Bishop George Berkeley
a video by Chris Frazer Smith,
music by Richard Hoadley
In collaboration with Argentinian tango,
Twine is a contemporary choreography of intimacy for two exceptional dance artists.
wind orchestra
Listening to Lulu, in our hearth we burn, as we hear the high Cs rise in stereo, what was lush swamp club-moss and tree-fern at least 300 million years ago. Shilbottle cobbles, Alban Berg high D lifted from a source that bears your name, the one we hear decay, the one we see, the fern from the foetid forest, as brief flame.
Tony Harrison, v
automatic music for piano and computer
automatic music for sculpture, dancer(s), instrument ('cello) and computer
photo credit to julio d'escrivan
automatic music for dancers, musicians, computer and live score projection
music and programming by Richard Hoadley; text by Phil Terry; choreography by Jane Turner