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Sensor Technology Tasks


Task 4 Name: Auduino Set: w2i Due: Monday 19th December 2016 Weighting: assessable/recommended (10%) Courses: stech
Prev Task: Connecting the Arduino, MaxMSP and SuperCollider Next Task: Servos
Task Summary All stech tasks

To cover:

- Auduino task (default) code and info
- Arduino Audio 1
- The Daisybell project (NB this only seems to work with Arduino 1.0.6, not with 1.6.5)
- ... or try this? http://www.practicalarduino.com/projects/speech-synthesizer
- Ardunoise
- Arduino Polyphonic Synth?
- Audio on the Arduino pages
- Audio on the Arduino part 1
- http://rcarduino.blogspot.co.uk
- http://www.notesandvolts.com/2013/03/nav-1-arduino-synth-build-it.html


About Auduino

to top of page The Task

  • Work your way through the code, noting those parts that have a particular effect.

  • Analyse the code and check that you understand it.

  • Look particularly at the tuning parts. Many points awarded for methods using/manipulating these systems imaginatively.

  • Feel free to investigate one of the other examples of audio using the Arduino - there are many others available on the internet:
    - Arduino Audio 1
    - The Daisybell project  (NB this only seems to work with Arduino 1.0.6, not with 1.6.5)
    - Ardunoise
    - Arduino Polyphonic Synth?
    - Audio on the Arduino pages
    - Audio on the Arduino part 1
  • Develop a simple demonstration use of one of these. Try to personalise the software so that it shows some expressive potential and so that it demonstrates an understanding of the task.

  • Clearly, I don't want you to submit your Arduinos. You need to submit sufficient appropriate documentary evidence that you've completed your task. The most obvious way to do this is to submit some sort of video of your task working. If you can't do this, take photos.

  • Added value
    By completing the details of the task you will achieve at least a pass mark. By imaginatively and creatively considering how you might implement the task originally you can add value to your submission, and this added value may increase your mark significantly. Even when making videos of short demonstration tasks try to consider musical and performance criteria.

    What to submit
  • Clearly, I don't want you to submit your Arduinos. That means you need to submit some documentary evidence that you've completed your task. The most obvious way to do this is to submit some sort of video of your task working, as well as of the code running. If you can't do this, take photos.

  • Media files
    You must submit media files, such as video, audio or image files, but please ensure that video files are compressed to a reasonable degree. You should never submit dv files, but compress these to mp4. You should submit no file that is greater in size than 25MB/minute.

  • Compress (zip) your patches, demos, etc. into one file called your_student_number_"auduino" (e.g. 0504335_auduino.zip), include a readme with your name and student number and, if necessary, how to use or just open the patch.

  • Submit a copy of the files to the i-Centre by 17:00 on Monday 19th December 2016