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Circuit Bending, Hardware-Hacking, Performance Technology

The Individual Projects

The Individual Circuit Bending Project

You are required to propose and implement a project using ideas and resources that you have developed during the course, if appropriate performing it live during a specially arranged event at the end of the semester.

Some Ideas

Throughout the course you'll be provided with basic ideas and templates that you can use to develop your own material. You'll be expected to propose ideas and projects to be considered for the Individual Project. If you cannot do this, tasks can be provided for you.

The Performance

Bring a recorded version of your piece should there be an irredeemable technical failure on the day. Please ensure that you have tested your equipment sufficiently so that should problems arise you will be able to solve them quickly and efficiently.

The Individual Arduino Project

You are required to propose and implement a project using ideas and resources that you have developed during the second part of the course, if appropriate performing it live during a specially arranged event at the end of the semester.

Some Ideas

Throughout the second part of course you'll be provided with basic ideas and templates that you can use to develop your own material. You'll be expected to propose ideas and projects to be considered for the Individual Arduino Project. If you cannot do this, a task can be provided for you.

Make a basic controller using potentiometers, LDRs or such and the Arduino board.

The Performance

Bring a recorded version of your performances should there be irredeemable technical failures on the day. Please ensure that you have tested your equipment sufficiently so that should problems arise you will be able to solve them quickly and efficiently.

The Documentation

All assessment items should be accompanied by brief but comprehensive documentation. This should include:


The 50% weighting for the Individual Projects includes the following potential deductions:


NIME Presentations

You should investigate other recent developments in interface design. New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) is one of the most interesting sources for this. Look at the internet site, noting that the proceedings of the last three or four years' conferences are on-line. Look through these papers (there are many of them) and choose one that appeals to you. Prepare a short presentation on why the approach you've chosen appeals to you. Although you don't have to prepare a formal presentation, making sure you can display the paper (via the data projector provided) in addition to any images, videos or recordings normally makes things much more interesting. Try to have a look at what others are going to talk about if you can. NIME is a good place to look, but you don't have to use one of those papers. However, if you don't please clear the paper/subject you choose with your tutor to begin with.

The presentation will be included in the logbook mark of 50%.

Presentation Chooser (Single, v005a)



All assignments should be submitted to the i-centre on 2pm on Tuesday 8th May 2018