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Task 8 | Name: Triggering and modulating events | Set: w5i | Due: Monday 19th December 2016 | Weighting: assessable (10%) | Courses: stech |
Prev Task: Investigating sensors - Make your own sensor - Make your own arduino | Next Task: Advanced sensors | ||||
Task Summary | All sTech tasks |
A brief tutorial concerning writing to the arduino.
Save the following files as...
int ledPina = 11; int ledPinb = 10; int ledPinc = 9; int vala; int valb; int valc; int nextval = 1; void setup() { // begin the serial communication Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(ledPina, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPinb, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPinc, OUTPUT); } void loop() { if (Serial.available()) { if(nextval == 1) { vala = Serial.read(); analogWrite(ledPina, vala); nextval = 2; } } if (Serial.available()) { if(nextval == 2) { valb = Serial.read(); analogWrite(ledPinb, valb); nextval = 3; } } if (Serial.available()) { if(nextval == 3) { valc = Serial.read(); analogWrite(ledPinc, valc); nextval = 1; } } }
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