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This is the final project to be performed, and these performances will in general take place in workshops in week 12. However, you will need to be writing your compositions throughout the semester. I require you to email me proposals for the sort of piece you're interested in by one hour before the class of Week 5.
There are no restrictions on the item, but please read the Approaches to Composition sheet carefully while you decide what to do. You will receive far more credit if you undertake an idea that you are unfamiliar with and unsure of, even if the idea fails miserably in practice (if the problem is to do with style rather than the parts). If you undertake to do something in which you are already proficient, (and it is usually quite obvious if this is the case), you will in general receive less credit.
Remember that your portfolio is a unit - you should decide what you want to do by considering how it/they will fit amongst your other submissions. Your portfolio should demonstrate technical ability, imagination, originality and flexibility - use as many different types of instrument as you can (within the boundaries of taste and aesthetics). Remember that you are submitting for an academic course.
Duration is always difficult, but you will receive credit for balance. In general two minutes of very good music are much better than ten minutes of tedious rubbish. However, always bear in mind that you will be allocated a limited amount of time within the week 12 workshops - usually around 15-20 minutes. You are encouraged to investigate the possibilities of using other performance occasions for this purpose for example student concerts, MEME events, etc. Innovation will receive credit.
Remember that your compositions are performances - if you were listening you would like to hear vibrant colours and textures, interesting lines, a variety of events, dramatic gestures.
You are not restricted in the instruments for which you choose to write, but remember that you will be responsible for sorting out instrumentalists and rehearsal times for the workshops.
Each proposal should include the following information, and be emailed to me by one hour before the class of week 5:
The information you provide need only be indicative - you may alter your proposal subsequently.
Good luck!