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Composing and Improvising 1
Music Pathway
Semester 2 2011-12
Structure and Notes
Assessment Submission Details
MPA Writing Guide
All music students, whether or not they consider themselves to be potential
composers, can deepen their understanding of music by experiencing the processes
of composition. Furthermore, the notion of improvisation - 'real-time'
composition - is a vital complementary area to foster and, in this respect, a
direct route to tap musical intuition is explored. During the course of the
module, composition and improvisation cross-fertilise each other, and
understanding and development is gained through the examination and exploration
of a range of different techniques and compositional styles. The progress of
each student in improvisation is monitored and assessment culminates in
end-of-module prepared improvisations (group free improvisation, and solo
stylistically-informed improvisations), along with a portfolio of submitted
Week 1
Lecture: Introduction to the course
- Who has which instruments?
Roles and functions
Workshop: Intro to Improvisation
- Divide into groups
- Group improvisations;
Exercise for Workshop session:
- Each person to plan some rules for a short (ten minute max) group improvisation
- The suggested plan is for three sections, ABA', where A has a certain
character, and B has a contrasting character and A' is similar to, but distinct
from A
- You may use any and all resources of your assigned group
- You may not change groups
Algorithms and Rules
Go to "
Hit "
random" and the first article you get is the name of your band.
Then go to "
Wikiquote" and choose "
Random Page" and the last four or five words of the
very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
Then, go to
Flickr and click on "
Explore the Last Seven Days" and the third picture,
no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
Week 2
Lecture: Pitched sounds: scales and modes;
- Introduce composition tasks
- Revision of the diatonic scales and modes and the pentatonic scale: as interval patterns and as a consequence of the circle-of-fifths.
- Simple algorithmic patterning ideas in SC patches to distribute and experiment with?
- Octotonic (see Messiaen)
- Wholetone
- Messiaen Quatour -
- Gamelan -
Cage prepared piano -
John Cage - Sonata V, Michele Zappaterra - 2002
Aphex Twin -
'real version'
Minimalism (Reich, Piano Phase etc.) -
Glassworks -
Exercises for workshop session:
- Bring along outlines for pieces that emphasise the use of scales and patterns of pulses
- The outlines should be for the performance of all or most of your current group
- The outline or sketch should use at least one scale
- Ensure that you can demonstrate it individually as well as practice it
with your group
- Ensure that you have sufficient information included so that others
understand what they should do
Workshop: group improvisations based on pitched sounds, scales and/or modes
Week 3
Lecture: Metre and pulse
- What is pulse? What is tempo? Contradictions between the two and subjectivity
- Revision of the concept of metre, and the notion of strong and weak beats
- Revision of the use of time signatures to denote a particular metre
- Accelerando and rallentando
- Bartok String Quartet 4, Movement 5
- Folk Music: Crni Voz
- Boban Markovic Orkestar - Ederlezi (Djurdjevdan) video
- http://www.nme.com/nme-video/youtube/id/l268Uhf3GpE/search/boban-markovic-orkestar
- Stravinksy,
Rite of Spring
- Stravinksy,
Symphonies of Wind Instruments
- Steve Reich Drumming
How Music Works: Rhythm - Accent & Syncopation
Exercises for workshop session:
- Bring along outlines for pieces that emphasise the use of metre and pulse
- You may wish to include scalic elements you used last time
- The outlines should be for the performance of all or most of your current group
- The outline or sketch should use at least one change of metre and one change of pulse
- Ensure that you can demonstrate it individually as well as practice it
with your group
- Ensure that you have sufficient information included so that others
understand what they should do quickly and without too much conversation
Workshop: group improvisations based on metre and pulse
Week 4
Timbre, stasis and ostinato
We investigate music in which timbre and/or stasis is important and discuss the concept of Klangfarbenmelodie (sound-colour-melody).
- John Cage Sonatas and Interludes for prepared piano -
- Karlheinz Stockhausen 'Michael's Reise' from Donnerstag aus Licht -
- Giacinto Scelsi Quattro Pezzi (su una nota sola) -
- Velvet Underground, Venus in Furs, Heroine, Black Angel's Death Song.
- Ligeti: Continuum; String Quartet 2, movement 2; Etude for Organ, 1; Lux Aeterna;
Berio O King
Berio O King Cycles
- Eno: Thursday Afternoon, 1985
Eno: Music for Airports
Ravel, Bolero
Orff, Carmina Burana
- Tavener,
The Last Sleep of the Virgin
Exercises for workshop session:
- Bring along outlines for pieces that emphasise the use of stasis and ostinato
- The outlines should be for the performance of all or most of your current group
- Ensure that you can demonstrate it individually as well as practice it
with your group
- Ensure that you have sufficient information included so that others
understand what they should do quickly and without too much conversation
- Bring in some sketches for the first composition task (scales and patterns)
for me to check during the tutorial section of the workshop.
first hour: group improvisations based on stasis and ostinato
second hour: tutorials for written compositions.
Week 5
Lecture and Workshop Stylistic Improvisation (JW)
Week 6
Lecture: Heterogeneous materials: combining sound types, contrasting textures, filmic notions, spatialisation
- fast-slow
- high-low
- lyric-rhythmic
- static!
- quiet-loud
- solo-tutti
- etc
- Ligeti: String Quartet 2, 1;
- Stravinsky: Rite of Spring
- Bach: Brandenburg Concerti
Week 6 exercises for workshop
- Bring along plans to lead a group improvisation using some of the techniques and ideas learned during the course so far. Investigate particularly methods of communication and leadership.
- You may use other technologies should you wish
- Ensure that you can demonstrate it individually as well as practice it
with your group.
- Ensure that you have sufficient information included so that others
understand what they should do.
Group Improvisation Rehearsal and Composition Tutorials
Week 7
Lecture: Graphic scores and structured improvisation
We examine the possible systems of communication for performance afforded by
graphic scores.
Cage Notations (in library)
Notation as Art
The Book
Workshop: Group Improvisation Performance 'Rehearsal'
There will be an eight-minute group performance collectively composed, rehearsed
and performed by a group that has been working together over the semester...
...and composition Tutorials
Week 8
Lecture and Workshop: workshops for composition tasks 1 (scales and patterns) and/or 2 (metre and pulse)
12:00 stephen.achilleos@student.anglia.ac.uk
12:10 jess.bland@student.anglia.ac.uk
12:20 freya.brunton@student.anglia.ac.uk
12:30 madalina.catalinoiu@student.anglia.ac.uk
12:40 alexandra.herring@student.anglia.ac.uk
9:00 jessica.hibbert@student.anglia.ac.uk
9:10 harry.howarth@student.anglia.ac.uk
9:20 rosemarie.huckle@student.anglia.ac.uk
9:30 pik.li@student.anglia.ac.uk (Sanly)
9:40 tony.looby@student.anglia.ac.uk
9:50 stephen.moore3@student.anglia.ac.uk
10:00 helen.musto@student.anglia.ac.uk
10:10 domniki.napoli@student.anglia.ac.uk
10:20 jess.thomas@student.anglia.ac.uk
10:30 nick.white3@student.anglia.ac.uk
Week 9
Lecture: Composition Tutorials (RH)
Workshop: Improvisation Workshops for Stylistic Improvisation (JW)
Week 10
Lecture: Feedback and Documentation
Workshop: 9-10: Composition Tutorials, 10-11: Group Improvisation Assessments
Group Improvisation Assessment (with JW):
- Create a piece of music using some of the following distinct material:
- pitched sounds modelled on modes or scales
- contrasting approaches to metre (e.g. different time signatures)
- different metres and pulse groups and consider the schemes used in various folk musics (e.g. 9 = 2+2+2+3).
- unmetred music and unpitched sounds.
- The use of timbre of individual sounds and the way that the timbre of one sound relates to another.
- awareness of tessitura
- awareness of contrast
Consider using a ternary (ABA') structure. Consider contrasting different ideas
and approaches to create a rich and diverse performance. You may use computers
or other electronic devices if you wish. Think carefully about your choice of
scales and the way that they are deployed throughout the piece. Explore the
relationship between pitch and pulse.
It is expected that you will rehearse with your group outside of class.
Week 11
Lecture: Composition Tutorials
Workshop: Improvisation Workshops for Stylistic Improvisation Assessment (JW)
Week 12
Lecture and Workshop: Composition Workshops for Compositions 3 (stasis and ostinato) and/or 4 (unpitched sounds, graphic scores, or free!)
12:00 stephen.achilleos@student.anglia.ac.uk
12:10 jess.bland@student.anglia.ac.uk
12:20 freya.brunton@student.anglia.ac.uk
12:30 madalina.catalinoiu@student.anglia.ac.uk
12:40 alexandra.herring@student.anglia.ac.uk
9:00 jessica.hibbert@student.anglia.ac.uk
9:10 harry.howarth@student.anglia.ac.uk
9:20 rosemarie.huckle@student.anglia.ac.uk
9:30 pik.li@student.anglia.ac.uk (Sanly)
9:40 tony.looby@student.anglia.ac.uk
9:50 stephen.moore3@student.anglia.ac.uk
10:00 helen.musto@student.anglia.ac.uk
10:10 domniki.napoli@student.anglia.ac.uk
10:20 jess.thomas@student.anglia.ac.uk
10:30 nick.white3@student.anglia.ac.uk
MPA writing guide