Theatre in Cyberspace
Optional task: In your groups prepare a short (6-10 minute) performance using one of the techniques and ideas included in Chapter 20: Theatre in Cyberspace, Digital Performance, Steve Dixon.
Other Material
Second Life Second Life affair leads to real life divorce (2008) Whatever happened to Second Life? (2010) How to make money in Second Life (2012) Other confusions with real-life: Blair Witch Project Catfish
Katharine Norman 'Window' John Cage: "I love sounds, just as they are, and I have not need for them to be anything more than what they are. I don't want them to be psychological, I don't want a sound to pretend to be a bucket, or that it's the President, or that it's in love with another sound. I just want it to be a sound."
Michael Joyce Afternoon, 1987 Made with Storyspace A demo version: html
Oulipo (Ouvroir de Litterature Potentielle), 1960: "developing mathematically determined techniques of generating poems and stories without the benefit of computers" They adopted both methodical and random techniques, including rolling dice to choose words, writing a novel without the letter 'e' and using Jean Lesure's technique (N+7) of replacing each noun with the seventh nooung following it in a specified dictionary.
Chatterbots: Turing Test Eliza Julia
Use of IRC (internet relay chat) Hamnet players Plaintext players MOO (MUD, object oriented)
It is recommended that you consider using Google Docs as the basis for such a performance.