Why do we Sing?

Think about it.  Especially some popular music.  The general culture - masculine, macho, tough.  
Why, then, does one of the central media of popular culture involve the use of singing especially in men?  
Even those who wish to maintain a 'cool' image sing.  Of course, there are examples of singingless bands, 
but these represent a small part of the entertainment industry, and even there, the point tends to be dancing!

At the same time, classical singing (and, for that matter, dancing) is generally considered to be sad, wet and very uncool. 

Sandra Trehub of the University of Toronto 

Developmental Psychology, 1989, 25

Thomas Geissman of the Tieraerzlich Hochschule in Hannover, Germany, writes in The Origins of Music.

Born to Sing? Scientists Debate Whether There Is a Music Gene


Also BBC Radio 4 documentary on the matter.