Isadora Performance 2

 - The performance should utilise Isadora in a significant way. 
 - The performance can be experimental and need not be complete in every repect 
 (while it would be great if you could have complete performances devised for 
class, if not, bring along the material you have developed.  It's useful and 
interesting for us all to see what you've been trying).
 - You are encouraged to explore all areas of the software. 
 You are not required to use any particular resources or techiques. 
 - If you're unclear of what to do, I would suggest that you do the following: 
 1. Compile a series of video clips. These may be clips you've made yourself or 
 clips you've taken from movies. 
 2. Create a series of atmospheric scenes from these clips. 
 3. Devise a series of live events that make use of these scenes. 
 4. Include an imaginative way of moving from one scene to another at arbitrary times. 
 5. Practice and arrange to perform during the class of week seven. 
 NB Isadora tutorials 1-3 cover most of the information you need to do this.

You can also consider the following for inspiration:

- stories from the news and media that make you think:

Man 'survives two months trapped in car'

Teenager relives internet bullying

Below are examples of material playing with the idea of the 'reality' of video presentation.  
Can a character 'speak' to themselves on video?  What might the video (or the reality, 
for that matter), represent?

See Chapter 11 'The Digital Double', Dixon

'Transforming mirrors', Rokeby 1999

Myron Krueger - Videoplace

PlayArt by Ed Tannenbaum (Recollections 1)

Liquid Views - Narcissus' Mirror (1992-93) by Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss

10 Backwards (1999) by Blast Theory

tiffany holmes nosce te ipsum

Steve Dixon Chameleons 4 – The Doors of Serenity

Digital Performance Archive