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MUH 1024/5

Memes and Music

See also Memetically sealed pop

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What makes a piece of music different?

Rolling Stones and Rolling Pebbles

On 8th May 2002, a Google search of rolling stone gave about 516,000 results. rolling rock gave 'about 32,000. rolling pebble resulted in 34 references. Try it yourself, you'll get similar results.

You know why. The phrase rolling stone has been made famous from a variety of sources. Try here for one set. There'll be many others:

Rolling Stone.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.   1
   Greek: Λiotathetaozeta kappanulambdaiotanudeltaomuεnuozeta tauo phiϕkappaozetapioiotaεiota. (Erasmus: Proverbs; Assiduitas.)   2
   Latin: Saxum volutum non obducitur musco (or Saxum volubile etc.)   3
   Planta quæ sæpius transfertm non coalescit. (Fabius.)   4
   Sæpius plantata arbor fructum profert exiguum.   5
   French: Pierre qui roule n’amasse jamais mousse.   6
   La pierre souvent remuée n’amasse pas volontiers mousse.   7
   Pierre souvent remuée n’attire pas mousse.   8
   Italian: Pietra mossa non fa muschio.   9
   “Three removes are as bad as a fire.   10


“I never saw an oft-removed tree,
Nor yet an oft-removed family.
That throve so well as those that settled be.”

One of the better known variants, at least to thirty- and forty-somethings, is the Bob Dylan song Like a Rolling Stone. Most of you will know it - or at least one version or another of it.

The phrase Like a Rolling Stone results in 'about 32,500' references.

For a discology of the song, try here.


(All links to RealPlayer clips)


Vocal performance and speech intonation: Bob Dylan's "Like A Rolling Stone"

Michael Daley, York University, Toronto

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